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Why do this to your app drawer HTC?

G+_Marlon Thompson

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Looks like a continuous scroll to me, but lets say for arguments sake it is a vertical page setup, my point is it is a  poor modification of the native app drawer.from a UX perspective. if it was a horizontal scroll it would be acceptable. Florence Ion  actually mentioned the uneccesary adaptaion to the app drawer in her article http://www.greenbot.com/article/2994992/smartphones/hands-on-the-htc-one-a9-actually-does-resemble-an-iphone.html

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Marlon Thompson you can see Jason swipe multiple times to get to the bottom and it stops at a perfect 4x5 grid every time. Until it gets to the bottom that is. I agree it's unnecessary implementation. But leaving the gap is necessary with pages. I don't see the difference between horizontal and vertical. Pages are pages.

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Holly M. Paddock in the vertical scroll you don't need the negative space to indicate that you have come to the end of your list, you don't have to implement it like a page. You have reached the end so you either have the snap back animation like iOS or the light indication like in Android's stock animation. In  Horizontal pages you have to have that negative space. I wish Jason Howell could jump in to indicate if it is was vertical scrolling or 4x5 grids. But you know I hate it.

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Marlon Thompson point was to not complain about a non issue. There are workarounds. I never stick with the stock launcher on any device, why because most are not customizable to my liking. You don't want gaps in the app drawer install something else. If you are looking at things like this to complain about that must mean the rest of the device is pretty good(don't know this personally as never used it)

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Marlon Thompson that's the best thing about Android, choices. We're not in the closed Apple ecosystem. What you like, I might not, but at least I can workaround it. If the app drawer is your only complaint about a device, by your logic no one should buy it, even if it excells everywhere else.

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TwoBit Gary where did I say you shouldn't buy it? I was criticising one part of their implementation. look at my original statement and subsequent statements, I am allowed to say what I don't like about something and you are free to download 3rd party launchers. This was not a discussion on Android being open or not it was about me being picky (note I said that the top) and hating something HTC did.I acknowledge what Jared Gauthier  and Scot Close  pointed about it being vertical pages so I see why it is that way, but I still hate it. Not the end of the world

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Marlon Thompson exactly my point, every one has an opinion, and at least on Android you can change what you don't like. I can't see knocking a device for something that is minor like this, which is why I suggest installing a better launcher especially if the rest of the hardware is what you want.

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