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I have a question for the Triple A crew, since I know yall are fans of the HTC One

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I have a question for the Triple A crew, since I know yall are fans of the HTC One. My M7 has developed a fun little feature wherein I get a fuzzy blurr around the edges of all my pictures. I have done some extensive research and a bit of testing and the problem seems to be related to a sensor in the camera hardware on the phone. i am pretty frustrated with this to the point that I am considering ditching my now only one year old M7 for something with a better camera (signs point to the Galaxy S5). 


Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else has run into issues with the camera on the M7.  I will probably drop this in an email, as well.

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There was an issue with the camera that I had and got it replaced under warranty. The symptom I saw was a purple/red tint in my low light photos. You could duplicate it by putting a cover over the camera. Instead of black it would shift to that pink. Other people did report that issue as well. I'm sure if you search online you can see the issue. I don't know if that problem also gives that fuzzy effect.

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