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Just re-sharing this post to hopefully get more people to ask CM4 for this

G+_Ken H

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Just re-sharing this post to hopefully get more people to ask CM4 for this. I thought this would be a great thing to have for the Nexus 4. Especially since it can route the rear speaker sound forward.


Example of their cases made for the GS4 - http://goo.gl/O3tDYz


I know I can use Google Wallet but I'll still need my actual wallet for places that don't accept or don't turn on the device needed for it to pick up the Google Wallet transaction (I'm looking at you Walgreens ). That and for my drivers license.


Originally shared by Paul Werner


CM4 , can you please make a Nexus 4 variant of your wallet case? I'd purchase one and spread the news to others if it were released

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