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I think after reading this:

G+_Ken H

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I think after reading this:




that I made up my mind but I wanted to put this out to the AAA fans (and hosts if they want to weigh in on this). I'm looking at the specs and pricing of both of these awesome tablets (along with the cases they come with and the game controllers) and I'm thinking I'm leaning towards the 16GB Shield over the 16GB N9.


I know the N9 is the new hot item today but given how much the Shield gives you for a total cost of only $400 for all 3 (tab, cover, & controller) I think someone here would have to give me very good reasons to spend $400 on the tab alone if I went with the N9 (knowing I want it for gaming and even though the Nexus Player controller is $40 we don't know the cost of the keyboard case yet for the N9).


Also, I'm gleaning from this site that the Nvidia controller will be better but not enough is known yet about the Nexus Player controller yet:




Discuss & vote please


Oh and thanks for the great write up JR Raphael & Cameron Summerson 


Edit: Sheild should be Shield on the poll, crap

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