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Wow, the way this is written I 'd totally reconsider purchasing one if I were Ron Richards here

G+_Ken H

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Wow, the way this is written I'd totally reconsider purchasing one if I were Ron Richards here. I wasn't interested in this to begin with but what he says here validates my concerns for sure. What do you all think?


Originally shared by Ron Amadeo


Nextbit Robin Review


It's cool to see a new smartphone OEM, but I don't think there are any good ideas here.


I think most people are happy with 32GB of storage, but if you were going after the storage demographic, they would have been totally happy with an SD slot instead of this overly complicated cloud setup that (if you use it away from a Wi-Fi connection) will use a ton of data.


They spent so much time, money, and effort building a storage solution that is all-around worse than just giving the thing expandable memory.


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I have not read too much yet but my concern was what happens when nextbits servers go down? Now you can't get the app or photo or whatever you need. What happens when nextbit goes belly up? Now your phone is just like every other phone without storage. I like the looks of this phone, just don't think their cloud solution is going to make me want one. Give me a micro SD option or let me use my cloud storage, Google drive, Dropbox or my NAS.

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I'm not so sure I agree with the conclusions. Most of the problems with he had with the Nextbit algorithm and the lack of information sound like things that are always present in a 1.0 release and easily fixed in subsequent releases.


Also, the SD card as an alternative also doesn't sound like something that is equivalent because of Android's well chronicled relationship with removable storage.


It's definitely a limited use case, but I think the review was a bit harsh for a 1.0 release for this company's first product.

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Lionel D I get you but at the same time it's more about them creating a solution for a problem that does exist. Especially since that well chronicled relationship is no longer a thing to worry about with Marshmallow and it's adoptable storage.


I'm not so sure that he's just writing it to be harsh but to point out things he notices so 1) users can be aware before they buy into it and 2) so Nextbit can know what to improve upon (since a lot of it can be better handled with software updates).


It's just that for most people when they really think about it they will realize they don't need to buy into a system like this when there are simpler more effective methods of storing a log of things

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Paul Werner either way, I do think the concept of backing up apps in full to the cloud is a pretty cool one. If the SD card features in Marshmallow prove to be as advertised, maybe not as much, but who knows - maybe the concept can be applied to something else.

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Yeah I mean it doesn't let you use it in any device when you adopt it as internal storage true but (at least for me) that's a reasonable caveat when you can transfer files to the adopted storage in many other ways outside of popping it in and out of the device.


If I didn't have the US LTE version of the SHIELD Tablet then I'd be able to test it out to see how well this works in practice. I'm just waiting for Nvidia to push out the update they pushed to the WiFi and K1 versions to the LTE version. I'm not entirely sure why they didn't push it at the same time since all the past android updates to this one came out at the same time as the WiFi model

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