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Are there CAR USB power supplies that put out lotsa amps?

G+_Jon Reeves

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Are there CAR USB power supplies that put out lotsa amps?

I was using my #Nexus 5 in the car and had the case where the battery was draining even though I had it on ships power.  The USB charging cord and lighter adapter power supply I used were the Samsung one that came with the Note car docking kit.


I had Bluetooth and Wifi on with AT&T LTE and running Waze and/or Google Maps Navigation.  I was careful to have no other apps running. 

I was using WiFi hotspot to get my Nexus 7 online.


Later when I was getting warning that the battery was down to 4%, I turned off WiFi and the battery started charging.    It was 35% charged by the time I got home.  I had left the house with the battery dead and brought to life in the car.


Does a car adapter like this Anker 24W do a better job?  

Are there even heavier ones?  I guess the most you can charge is 4 Amps, even with the OEM power wart?


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