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Is the Google-Mobile Hardware marriage ending?

G+_Andrew Ellis

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Marion Hubbard Thanks for the read. The 9 I had may have been from bad batch. On the bottom right corner, I could literally separate the housing with min effort, found by accident. I was really in G's corner with the 9, cheering for the best.


Wow! Forgot about GTV and over the years I've had three iterations of.


Lol, like the see if it sticks on the wall line. Interesting to see others sharing / feeling same regarding.

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Remember, Google is not a hardware vendor. They've only released several hardware products: the CR-48 (OG Chromebook, invite only), the Pixel (the best Chromebook), the Nexus Q (which ultimately became the Chromecast), the Chromecast, the Nexus Player and Google Glass. For all other projects, they only provided guidance on how the hardware should look and what features it should have, and they provided the software.


Even Google TV was never made directly by Google. They were all made by OEMs.


Additionally, how can you call Google Glass a failure? It was an experiment. As a matter of fact, they moved the project out of X Labs and into its own project at Google. Also, they never provided a consumer version release date, nor were we guaranteed that this would be the official hardware. I think they learned a lot from this "project" and we will see what they learned in future products.

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