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Ron Richards So did Chromecast just kill Google TV?

G+_Roy Delgado

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Google has been all about focus in product categories.  They've "spring cleaning" shut down a ton of products because of redundancy, and to focus on the products that they're pushing.  They didn't retain Latitude to focus on social locations in G+.  If Chromecast takes off, and at $35 why wouldn't it, GTV will likely be in the cross hairs.  Heck, I impulse bought a Chromecast already, because at that price, why not? 

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Yeah.  I already bought one (and waiting for it to hit Amazon to get another w/ Prime next day shipping).


The difference is that the Chromecast still can't "interact" with live TV, nor can it run native apps (and will probably be awful at MirraCasting games).  This is where Google TV still wins out.  Hopefully, when it hits 4.2 (or maybe straight to 4.3), Google TV will be where we want/need it to be.


Really what I want is Google to release the rumored internet-based TV service.

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