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Jason Howell? On the issue of what to do with a Bricked Nexus 7 (or anything other bricked device...

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Jason Howell? On the issue of what to do with a Bricked Nexus 7 (or anything other bricked devices), I believe Gazelle takes anything for responsible recycling even if they can not pay you anything. You have to pay the postage to Gazelle, of course. Please do not take a hammer to any device or bury it in your yard or send it to the landfill. Too many toxic elements. There are local recycling centers which take any electronic devices for recycling. Gazelle is best because they promise to wipe all devices that they recondition or just recycle.

Love the Show! Keep of the great work at AAA!

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Jason Howell? Just had a thought that you should contact Gazelle and ask HOW they recycle "responsibly" exactly. Gazelle is a regular sponsor of AAA and other TWIT shows, so I am sure they would be forthcoming in the details about their recycling program. I just hope they do not ship them overseas and forget about them. I have heard stories about dumping electronic goods in SE Asia and Africa where they do not get recycled properly and the resulting contamination.

Just a suggestion. I know you are super busy at TWIT producing great shows!

Thanks for all you and the TWIT gang do!


Herrin Illinois

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Somehow I doubt they'll take the time to try to do adb/fastboot ?commands on a bricked device. Best thing IMO is to get the teardown then try to pry the eMMC chips off the board before recycling.

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I heard a report today on DailyTech NewsShow? that researchers found that the data could still be recovered from Android devices that were wiped using the standard Reset command even if the data had been encrypted before the wipe. Flash Drive are hard to wipe! Sounds like an opportunity to develop an app to completely wipe a device's memory.

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"But if you really want to protect your info before tossing, selling or giving away an old phone, use the most complicated password you can whip up... or, you know, go to town on it with a hammer."



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