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FYI RE: the 3 1 episode and "App Drawer "

G+_Ron Richards

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FYI RE: the 3/1 episode and "App Drawer"


Originally shared by Ron Richards


Any All About Android viewers curious about my pronunciation of "App Drawer" on this past week's show, here's an informative video about the origins of my accent (which has faded quite a bit, but sneaks out every now and then, like with "Drawer")


Viva Long Island Forever.

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Mine was bad when I went to college, especially when I was out enjoying the night life.  I would say one sentence, and get asked if I was from Long Island.  Now that I'm back, I don't notice it, but I'm sure if I spoke to "outlanders" I would have a major accent.


Also, Mick Foley is awesome!  My friend goes to see him every year when he dresses up as Santa.

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So funny. I live in Maryland, grew up on long Island. My mom and dad grew up in the Bronx and Brooklyn and have lived on long Island for 50 years. Anyway, my daughter makes fun of my water, coffee and mother. I called her over to here your drawer to say that is a real long Island accent . ??

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