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Hello Jason Howell? and Ron Richards?, in the latest episode you guys really downplayed the video...

G+_Anthony Gale

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Hello Jason Howell? and Ron Richards?, in the latest episode you guys really downplayed the video quality of starting a movie on your android device and screen casting the content to a TV and I don't think your comments were very accurate. I have done this and can say that the quality is just as good as if I was watching the content natively via a TV app. Ron Richards? used his experience casting from a web browser to the TV and used that to assume it would be the same for an android device and I can tell you that its not. I agree that casting from a web browser is not a good experience, the quality is downgraded and its not as fluid but in my experience its not true from an android device.

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I think it boils down to the integrity of your wireless setup. I've tried doing it from my Nexus phones to my Chromecast at home and I get choppyness... More so on the audio than the video but that would absolutely have an impact on the scenario the emailer was talking about. And I consider my home network to be totally ample. I think the point is: YMMV.

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