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Fr Robert Ballecer, SJ Moving into new home also What are components of the ideal computer des...

G+_Ray Franklin

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I would say "a dock sitting between the 2 screens and the laptop." is the biggest most important thing. Make the laptop more portable by having minimal cables plugging into the actual laptop. Get a second power brick cable and leave it permanently plugged into the dock. It's a huge pain to unplug the power brick every time you want to take the laptop, and a bigger pain to rerun the cable when you bring it back. A USB 3 hub because those onboard usb ports fill up fast. A full size mouse, and possibly a fullsize keyboard with numpad. GOOD lighting on the desk.

Personally I use the subwoofer underneath my desk to prop my feet up when I'm sitting back.

In my opinion, cable minimalism is B.S. I HATE zipties. I always end up needing to free one of the cables. Breaking the ziptie can damage the cable. I like velcro wraps if I absolutely have to bundle up cables. I LOVE drawers, compartments, and designated places to put stuff. Because my ideal desk is part electronics bench, it would have a power strip on top of the desk as well as one on the floor. Use hooks on the walls, magnets, cups for little losable stuff, whatever.

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