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I appreciate passion, but am I the only on who feels that the conversation suffers when people ar...

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Myriam Joire??? I totally hear what you're saying and I think you have so much to offer that it would be a shame if you were not a part of all of these podcasts etc. However, as a public speaker and outspoken person myself, I have had to learn over the years that other people feel just as passionately about the things that they would like to share, and Type A personalities like ourselves must try really hard to let others have as much air time as we do. Because we have so much to say, it's very easy for us to dominate the conversation and maybe even make other people feel intimidated . Just my 2 cents, for better or worse. Thank You Myriam for all you know and all you contribute to the tech world., it wouldn't be the same without you.

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Myriam Joire  and Jason Howell  have already commented on this controversy, but I think Myriam is adjusting to being a more regular part of the show.  When you're an occasional guest, I think you feel more impetus to get your view across.  If you're a recurring contributor, then that impulse can be relaxed.  I definitely saw signs of Myriam being more co-host-like, such as by tossing questions to Jason and Aaron.  I also found that by the end of the episode, she was interrupting less and finding her rhythm within the group.  So I think it will be better over time as she adjusts to her new role.  (And frankly, I prefer her style to those guests who spend fifteen minutes not saying anything.)


As an interesting cultural note, French conversation is much more interrupt-driven than American conversation, so maybe there's some cultural adjustment happening as well.  This is mentioned in many cultural guides for Americans interacting with French people (and vice versa), in either social or business settings.  Lots of references on the internet, but my favorite description of this difference is in the book Cultural Misunderstandings by Raymonde Carroll (available in english, translated from the French, Evidences Invisibles).  She devotes all of chapter 2 to the differences between French and American conversation.



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First let me say that AAA is my favorite podcast. I feel the show goes to a much lower quality every time Myriam cohosts the show as she takes over the entire show and smothers out the other hosts. If TWIT wants to make her a permanent host please give her a show where she is the only host and she can exert total control to her hearts desire.

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I think Alan Char? has it right. I love Myriam and think she's so knowledgeable and passionate and that she'd be a great addition to the show. I think there are times when perhaps she was a little over-powering but I think it was just passion and not rudeness and I'm sure both sides will adapt. I'm sure everyone needs to settle in as others have said. It's such a great show, I think Myriam would bring a nice contrast to the irreplaceable Gina.

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I used to listen to myriam religiously on engadget and the show was AWESOME. she tended to shut out the other hosts on that podcast as well. I'm sure she doesn't mean to sound like it... But her style of conversation dominates, interrupts, and doesn't listen to the other side. I listen to AAA for the back and forth conversation. That one ep. She absolutely dominated the entire podcast. I hate to say it but I almost had to shut it off. I have never ever even thought about changing it during an episode. Sorry myriam. Been listening to you for years. Maybe you should just have your own show and have guests. If they could get a word in. I'm sure you didn't mean to but it was very egotistical sounding

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