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Chad Johnson pay attention, it 's TV, details matter

G+_George Kozi

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OK, here's the thing. There were two bottles in the preshow, and he made Ron remove one because it had a logo on it. It was placed right next to the cleaning supplies. So he obviously noticed and it was important enough. I'm just saying that if you gonna tidy up, remove everything. That's all.

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Been listening to or watching Leo and co. for many years so I must like it...however I agree that details like that DO matter  in most TV production studios and would result in a sharp comment by the director for the floor supervisor that missed it...(my background is in TV production)...Negatives for me are the length of the commercials on TWIT and Macbreak Weekly, I would rather have 10 x 30 sec than 1 x 5 mins...but hey that's me.

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