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Anyone else having problems with gapless WAV or FLAC looping with the new Google Play Music update?

G+_Joseph Cappellino

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Anyone else having problems with gapless WAV or FLAC looping with the new Google Play Music update? (AKA a file with a perfect loop)


The first loop executes without a hitch, it actually seamlessly looped the file, but each successive loop there is a hesitation by the app and a pause before it loops it again.


I was wondering if it was a storage issue on my phone since I only had 2GB left, but after uninstalling all updates to Google Play Music and going back to the stock 4.3's version 5.0.1042J, it worked again.


Guess someone has to file a bug report. I had this problem on the Nexus 4 on 4.3.

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