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Might be worth a revisit :D

G+_Sebastian Mauer

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Might be worth a revisit :D


Originally shared by null


CheapCast update released (0.46)


Howdy! Just letting you know I released an updated version of #CheapCast  to the Playstore. This is the version which has been in alpha testing for the last two weeks.


The highlights include:

* Fixed TabCasting (Google made some changes to prevent 3rd Party Chromecast clients from receiving tab casts)

* Improved compatability (Revision3, Viki, Songza, RedbullTV(flaky), Vevo and more)

* Fixed queue issues with Google Music (Cheapcast should now proceed to the next song in the queue automatically)

* Official support for x86 (Support for devices like the Lenovo K900 or the Galaxy Tab 3 10.1)


Please post any issues and experience reports to the official CheapCast Community here on G+


Happy casting!

Sebastian Mauer 

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