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@ Mary Jo Foley

G+_George Kozi

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@ Mary Jo Foley. I'm a Windows 8 user. This episode Of Windows weekly is the first one that made me feel disappointment.


I happen to have liked what Larry Page did in the keynote. And if I'd have to choose between a company led by Mr.  Ballmer or one led by Larry Page, it would be an easy decision.


Yesterday Google gave me a lot of stuff I like, and I will use daily. A bit of humility coming from Microsoft would be a good thing, don't you think?

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I haven't listened to WW this week. Just wanted to say that I thought Larry Page's speech at IO was excellent. It was a developer conference and he tried to inspire and motivate them. He did this well. It also didn't seem overtly Google-centric - in general terms, he said why he loved tech, it was nice to hear general educational notions (we need more people involved involved in maths and science) and that you can change the world with it.


I may listen to it again, I don't want to make it sound like it was perfect, I'm sure MS and Oracle have issues with what was said, and it's easy for a multi-billionaire to say that money isn't important, but overall, the tone and sentiment were great.

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I listened to WW today, and the discussion of Larry Page's speech was okay. Random thoughts:


It wasn't a Google IO used to showcase new things, but instead showed some iteration and consolidation of products. So it was a bit unfair calling out that Larry Page mentioned 'we should be building new things' and relating it specifically to the rest of the keynote.


There is a huge difference between negativity and critical opinion.

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