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Paul Thurrott

G+_George Kozi

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Rob Marks did you even read? I mentioned twice that I was connected via VPN to two different clients doing network management. I mentioned I was using a command line app to manage servers. I mentioned I was using VNC to work on PCs and Macs directly, though there are a zillion ways to access to the desktop of remote machines. Exchange and domain access are child's play. 


You're so full of it with your "Zero enterprise capability crap." You clearly have never used an iPad, and if you have, you basically turned it on and off.


The iPad is rapidly becoming an ENTERPRISE mainstay, both as client and support tool. It is by far the most secure environment, in addition it has the richest MDM tools available. 


I'm using the iPad to set up a client on windows server 2012 right now. When I'm done with that, I'll be bringing up a database application I just developed for a law office on the iPad as well. 


I haven't even mentioned the plethora of network analysis tools. 


Seriously dude, you have no idea what you are talking about. 

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