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Hello fellow TWiTers! )

G+_Henning Andersen

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Hello fellow TWiTers! =)

Does anyone of you know of a program to download to give you better search in windows (7)?

My dropbox file contains a lot of duplicates, and the duplicates all have "-1" at the end of the filename. So i would like to search, or sort, either by file name length, og to search files that end in "-1"..

Thanks in advance!

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You're right, Win7 search is pretty bad (and slow!). I installed "Everything" (http://www.voidtools.com/) several years ago but I never use it, I use DOS for this type of filematching (DIR 1.) instead. :-\


Google had a desktop search application (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Desktop), it was awesome, but they discontinued it.

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