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Just thought I 'd post a video of my son explaining his 100 day project for his second grade class

G+_Chris O'Riley

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Just thought I'd post a video of my son explaining his 100 day project for his second grade class. The teachers ask the kids to come up with an idea related to something they're learning in school and build it at home. They bring them in and show them off to celebrate the first 100 days of school each year.


Since they're learning programming, and my son sees me working on little Arduino stuff, he came up with this idea. Now he's only 7, so obviously I helped a lot... but I explained it all to him while we built it, both the hardware and the programming. And I previously set him up with a Nano and a simple program that he modifies to change the colors of an LED, so while he might not have been able to program this himself, he understands how it all works.


Just wanted to say thanks to Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ and Bryan Burnett, since it was their shows on Arduinos that taught me how to use them. Love the show, it's really helped expand what I've been able to teach my son. My electronics knowledge before watching Know How was rudimentary at best, but now I can whip up stuff like this with (relative) ease! Thanks guys!


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