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Does anyone have any suggestions on a beginner or introductory lesson for the Arduino and or prog...

G+_Joseph DuPree

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Download and install the Arduino IDE. Then, starting at the top of the sample list, load, run, and study each example to see how it works. Change the examples, making them do different things. By the time you hit the end of the list, you should be up to speed on C again. [You can ignore the C++ stuff until you need it.]

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For basic arduino tutorials I would recommend Paul McWhorter:



I haven't watched the series on arduino yet, but I watched the series on raspberry pi, and it was pretty good stuff.


These series are meant for students (middle/high school), so it doesn't assume too much. He was an engineer, then retired, but got bored with retirement, and decided to give back as a teacher. The cherry on top is that he's actually a pretty good teacher!


The way I found Paul's channel was his "Learn Fusion 360 or Die Trying" series. It won't teach you everything, but it is a better place to start then Fusion 360's tutorial series (which I floundered with until I did Paul's series first).


As an aside, anything made by Simon Monk is pretty good. I mention him because he has a lot of arduino books. There are different levels of difficulty though, so it pays to see if it matches your skillset. I'm currently reading his raspberry pi cookbook, which is fantastic.


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