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I am a big fan of Windows Weekly, but in the past couple of months it has gotten very boring

G+_Michael Dart

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I am a big fan of Windows Weekly, but in the past couple of months it has gotten very boring. There are few people in the world who know more about Microsoft than Paul and Mary Jo, but the show is just dragging. There are tons of long silences, Paul seems more "Eeyore" like than usual, and Mary Jo typically doesn't have much to add until the end when some enterprise stuff is mentioned.


This show really needs to be augmented by adding another guest, someone who can play the "color-guy" role that sports broadcasts use. A Windows person that will add some controversy or humor.

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I agree with Scott Tooley . To the extent that I unsubscribed from the podcast. Still do the This Week in Tech, This Week in Google, etc. but getting my Windows updates from somewhere else now.


Also, as a point of interest.  I get the feeling that both Paul and Mary Jo feel compelled to rather keep quiet than openly criticizing Microsoft.  The minute allegiance trumps journalistic transparency - even if it's in the form of an educated opinion - you've lost me as a 'client'.

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Need someone younger on the show who is a windows8 enthusiast... if one exists.  lol  Surely there is someone to brighten things up.  Show seems a bit tired. Leo tries to stir things up but we need to see some new apps, new products, new tricks, something. ..  new,  Sorry, don't mean to be too critical but I'm not pulled in like I used to be with the show.  I have watched forever but think some rethink may be helpful.

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Neil McDonald , I agree with you that the ones with iyaz akhtar are a bit more entertaining.


When it comes to Windows, Leo acts too much like an old-fuddy-duddy trying to understand this new-fangled tech (which he isn't, because he's been in tech since, like, the 70's). Whether he knows a lot about Windows (and pretends not to), or whether he genuinely doesn't, it certainly doesn't help.


The hosts and guests off all the other shows are active advocates and excited about their topics (TWiG, Mac Break, Security Now, etc). They are objective cheerleaders for their topic, and it makes for good shows.


Maybe shorten the show, and get rid of the "beer of the week" stuff that lasts 15 minutes, every show? Instead of talking about Ballmer's strategy, talk about new Windows hardware or apps?

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I think that anyone who covers Windows is going to be put in no-win situations frequently.


Express too much enthusiasm and fail to point out issues and you get accused of being a Gruberesque unreasoned fanboi by the more reality-based constituent of your audience.


Spend time on the issues with the MS's products and platforms and you get accused of being a h8ter by the fanbois.


Either way you're going to get slammed by someone.


Personally, I think the show does a good job of publicizing the positive and promising aspects of MS's platforms and products, while also acknowledging the problems and challenges.

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I also agree with you Scott Tooley I'm still subscribed but have stopped listening. This used to be my favorite show. I think it would help if Leo Laporte would try to use a Windows 8 phone. (Props to you for using Windows 8 Laptop). But I do think part of the problem is Microsoft. Windows 8 is a fiasco. 2 OS's for one device. What I hate most about Windows 8 Metro is full screen apps.

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I'm a Mac person, but I've always watched WW--really like Paul and Mary Jo.  It has gotten a bit more boring lately, but I blame that more on MS and their current strategy.  It's hard to hear Paul praise Windows 8 when he admits he mainly only uses the desktop.  

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Leo's suggestion this week to fix MS is to kill the desktop?  That went contrary to everything I've heard him say on other shows and in-between shows.  I understand why Mary Jo and Paul say the things they do, but I think Leo should sit in the middle and either speak his own mind or speak for the consumer.  Considering consumer adoption of Metro since the Zune, he's not really doing either by making such a suggestion.  It doesn't help MS get their head out of the sand either.

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Paul suggested on his website that NT should be brought back, and I may agree with it. I'm a power user, and spend my time in the desktop, and love the new additions to Windows 8 such as Storage Spaces, File History, improved File Transfer and File Explorer. I only use the RT side when I consume stuff, which isn't that often on this 17" HP.


I need and want the Desktop to continue on, and that could be in an NT/RT split of Windows. Or, in a more earthshaking manner, make a Windows a desktop only system. Then, kill off the RT name, instead market tablets along side the Xbox system (as Xbox has pretty much already won the living room, where tablets belong).


Could this be Microsoft's plan all along? Why go to the trouble of creating so many new and useful features that are primarily only desktop users will notice? An user of a Metro app would never notice or use Storage Spaces or File History.

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Windows Weekly is still a great show. Iyaz is terrible on this show - I can tell Paul thinks he's a real tool.  While Paul and Mary Jo are both Microsoft evangelists, I think it is hard to find two people who are more critical of Microsoft than they are.  Their journalistic integrity is intact in my opinion.  I find Leo, Paul and Mary Jo to have a really good dynamic.  

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