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Was wondering if there was anyone out there who could help me with my Alien X quad

G+_Jeff Kalinowski

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Was wondering if there was anyone out there who could help me with my Alien X quad. My son and I have finished putting together the quad and are having issues getting a signal to the Kk screen. I've been following the know how videos and my Kk only shows "no signal" I also have a FS-T6 controller. Thanks. Jeff

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Does the receiver get power? Are your connections correct on the kk? With the buttons closest to you, ground on the left (black) and signal on the right (white). Does your receiver work if you plug one esc directly to the receiver and nothing else?

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Thanks for the reply.


To answer your questions, yes the kk board and receiver both light up and

get power. I've been following the alien x know how videos watched them

several times and everything seems connected correctly. I have also been

able to bind the transmitter to the receiver. The only thing that happens

is the kk screen reads is "No Signal" across the board. I did connect just

one of the esc's and the receiver showed no light. As a side note, both the

kk board and controller just keeps beeping.


Thanks again for your reply



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Just to confirm, does the kk say something like "error no yaw input"? When you connected the esc directly to the reciever, the reciever didn't get power? If so, do all of your esc have a bec. Could you try it with your other esc to make sure that your receiver is working?

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Oh, ok. The beeping from your esc are just telling you that they are not getting any signals, which is normal when you are in the kk's menu. The "no signal" means that that input is not receiving a signal from your receiver, which can be caused by the following:


Your transmitter is off

transmitter, receiver not bound properly, or they lost bonding

bad jumper wires

receiver not working

kk not working


The first thing that you should do is find out whether or not you are getting any output from your receiver. The easiest way to do this is to run something off of the receiver, like a servo, or an esc with a motor attached.

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