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Okay, Techies, serious question: Parallels or VMWare Fusion and why?

G+_Alan Char

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You did not really specify at first why you need it. Both Fusion and Paralles run on top of your mac OS. Assuming you want to run Windows on a Mac, why not Apple Bootcamp and really use the full power of your machine?


Virtual machines are nothing more than a bunch of giant files that act like a real computer. Normally you need to start and stop them manually whenever you start or stop your Mac. You do not need to reinstall it or anything. Just consider a virtual machine being just another program. 8 GB should be enough to run one virtual machine and for most games running inside that. Performance is what you should focus on using virtual machines.


If you are unsure of how it all works, best download a demo version or one of the free virtual machine software options available. After installing windows into that, you can actually also try to play the games you want and figure out if it works for you. There are also tons of youtube video's out there about how to do all that and what it looks like. I actually use VMware Workstation (not for gaming) and it is very interesting what you can do with all that with the powerfull hardware we have these days.

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Just a couple of observations to relate. I think if you're already using Boot Camp, then just stay with that and solve your drive allocation issue with some other utilities.


I haven't used VMware Fusion so I can't say what it does. Parallels will adjust (shrink or expand) the drive according to what you're doing. It manages this in cooperation with the Mac OS because (as was described before) it's just another folder/bundle of files). I have two variants of Windows and one LInux flavour on my Parallels machine list. VMware may also do this drive management thing, but I can't say for sure.


My use is not for gaming. Some report (in Parallels forum) where gaming is getting better all the time. Others not so much.


I like being able to cut and paste across platforms. I like having app windows for Win7 right alongside Mac OS app windows where I can compare the appearance of designs and documents and sites I have been working on.


I like keeping up with LInux and seeing how its doing while keeping my LInux knowledge up to date.


Hope this helps someone else making their decision.?

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