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Did anyone else miss that the entire new line of Mac computers has NO CD DRIVE!?!?!?!

G+_John Mcconnell

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Did anyone else miss that the entire new line of Mac computers has NO CD DRIVE!?!?!?!


They are really pushing the boundaries in terms of design with the new imac and saying, we have the APP Store, and iTunes Store so CDs and DVDs are no longer needed.  Pretty amazing, I still feel that I will miss a CD though and am not a fan of paying another $75 for a USB superdrive device after purchasing a $1K+ computer.


What do you think?  Has Apple pushed too hard removing the CD drive, did you notice, what will this change?


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I think the need for a CD/DVD drive has certainly diminished but I don't know that we're quite at the point where it's totally unnecessary for most users, yet. A little ahead of their time perhaps.


Then again, I guess it's not so bad if you can buy the extra SuperDrive at a reasonable price for those users who DO need it.

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I am also an artist and find this might be an issue with people who purchase my music on CD, which we sell at our shows, then have no place to take it home to.  This does make us think, perhaps we should sell Vinyl and a download card.  


We currently offer our music online at bandcamp and iTunes as well as download cards at shows but CD's sell the best.



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I can see from both ends. Most users barely have a need for an optical drive (including myself). I probably use the one on my MBPro once every couple of months tops - but there absolutely have been times when it's saved my butt in getting people data where there's been no web access or if I needed to install some legacy software.

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