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A great way to show off your Retina Display: Sample 4k UHD (Ultra HD) video download

G+_Andrew Martin

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Sorry I overlooked going to original feed. For some reason this video still seemed to be less than happy about something. For whatever reason some other 4K media I tested played better. Youtube sometimes seems to have download issues for me that other sites don't though I don't think that was all of it.

I went to Youtube.  I have a Dell 30" monitor. It is definitely super high res but not the right dementions for a true 4k shown at full screen. I end up with an ~centimeter black strip on the top and bottom. It still didn't want to run but I finally got  the 1080 p to run and it was mildly pixelated as was to be expected on full screen after all it only has about 1/4 the pixels the monitor has. Then I got the 4k to run and it did much better. Oddly enough I could still see pixels some of the time and what I consider to be focus issues with the camera. 4k is going to be a pain for a lot of reasons. Artistic types like to only have part of the image in focus and I think they are going to find their audiences are going to want to kick  them  because the viewer wants to see something and it is out of focus. I know there was a way to get it all in focus on my old 35 Camera so I assume these people can do the same thing.

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Thanks but I'm not sure I want to go there. I have a couple of video cameras and of course some regular cameras that do video. If I get a true 4k I'm going to have to do some hard thinking about where to store the video. On line would be a pain to upload and cost a fortune to store and home still means a couple of large external hard drives at the least just to have a back up and if I make serious use of the Camera those drives are going to get full pdq. Sigh.

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Thank you for the tip about searching for F 5 and F 55 footage. I tested a video and it ran great except for buffering rather often. That the times between buffering were pretty erratic suggests that it should be possible to get a smooth playback but somebody else somewhere is getting part of the bandwidth some of the time. Now if I could just click something and download an entire video and view it later that would be cool but as I understand it Google isn't all that fond of that idea. ?;^)

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