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Apple confirmed to take 30% cut of Microsoft Office 365 subscriptions purchased in Office for iPa...

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Is this news? It's basically saying in-app purchases are charged 30% by Apple. I see it as more of an ecosystem play by Microsoft, Office 365 gives you Office, extra OneDrive storage and Skype. This isn't very useful for consumers who couldn't use it on an iPad. So MS are trying to say, buy the subscription and you can use it anywhere (or at least major platforms).


If you only have only an iPad then this isn't ideally suited to you, so I am not sure how encouraged users will be to buy their subscription through the app store..


It could be argued that 30% is quite a large margin for Office 365, as it not only includes the apps themselves but a lot of things that are happening on MS servers, that have nothing to do with Apple. E.g. If you download Word to a PC using the subscription paid for on an iPad. Although, that's just a technicality.

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