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Top iOS apps rake in $90,000 per day on average, in-app purchases dominate sales

G+_Kevin Spitzer (JaguarXT

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Not to turn this into a iOS/Android debate, but these figures seem to be quite good for Google. Saying the top 200 Play store apps earn 'just' $12m/day seems just a bit mean. The increase in revenue year on year is the headline here. Does anyone know what proportion of the total revenue is taken up by these apps - if iOS earns 18 million and 1 dollar a day, you better hope you have one of the best 200 apps. Is there anyway to know what worldwide software sales are, that is to say things not purchased for a mobile OS?


Also, I've always wondered about the worst performing apps, how often they are downloaded  etc. Especially when an ecosystems app count is mentioned, I only need a handful of apps and I am happy.


Can I also mention my hatred of the freemium model. I realise I have a very old fashioned view of software - sell me the app, and then let me use it - all of it. This could be partially mitigated by having a 'total spend' category, if you bought all of the in-app purchases the cost will be 'x'.

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