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Here are some latest Twitter statistics Including some popular and trending Hashtags


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Here are some latest Twitter statistics. Including some popular and trending Hashtags.


Originally shared by Irfan Ahmad


50+ Mind Blowing Twitter Statistics [infographic]


Jack Dorsey the founder of Twitter has created this social media giant in 2006.


Twitter has grown from a little start-up to 218M monthly active users.


Twitter now handles 24K searches and more than 9k tweets every single second.


3 new accounts are registering after every two second.


Most trending hashtags, #ThrowBackThursday or #TBT and #FF or #followFriday.


Justine Bieber is considered the king of #Twitter with 44.4 million followers and 23,400 tweets.


For More Stats have a look at the #infographic here:




Statistics and infographic by masters-in-finance.org

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