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Have any KITAs successfully used their FlySky Transmitter with ClearviewRC?

G+_Dan Salter

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Have any KITAs successfully used their FlySky Transmitter with ClearviewRC? I found it useful when learning how to fly Helicopters and now I'm branching out into Fixed Wings and want to get some practice in with my actual transmitter before putting a real bird in the sky.


I can see what looks like a PS2 port on the back, but nowhere online can I find any consensus that it is a PS2 Port, whether you can connect it successfully to a Windows machine, if you need extra drivers (if so where) etc.


I have a steam controller and an xbox compatible controller in the mean time, but would love hear the community's experiences on flight sims and their FlySky's in general.


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I haven't used Clearview. If you're using windows it should just see it as another controller. I've used FPV freerider and Liftoff on steam no problems. Didn't need any drivers. You do need to set up a model on the transmitter and most likely change around some settings. i.e. which inputs are which (Aileron, Elevators, Trottle, Rudder)

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Just wrapping this up for those interested. I got this cable for $4 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131100987431 which is plug and play on Windows 7. The FlySky T6 controller then appears as a "PWM controller".


Starting up ClearViewRC you can select File>Settings>Control and the pick the PWM controller. You will need to calibrate it every time you start ClearViewRC but this only takes a few seconds. And you are ready to fly!


It only seems to be 4 channel. In Mode 2; that's (left stick) Throttle, Rudder, (right stick) Elevator, Aileron. I had to reverse my rudder and throttle channels in ClearViewRC to get them working in the right direction (you could reverse them on the FlySky if you prefer that but it's just a checkbox on the same screen in ClearViewRC).


I've not been able to set up Aux switches for toggling flaps or undercarriage for example, but it defaults to keyboard F-Keys 1-4 for this purpose. It may be possible, but if so I've just not figured it out yet.


As for the flight experience itself it's MUCH better and far more realistic than using a windows standard windows/xbox controller. You get fine control from the FlySky you just can't get from those other devices.


ClearViewRC has the exact model I've purchased too (a Bixler V1, known as a "SkySurfer"), so I'm getting a good idea of how to fly my exact model before putting my $'s into the air.


ClearViewRC also allows you to add different wind conditions into the mix with a few clicks which has opened my eyes to how much more significant wind is to a fixed wing over a MultiRotor.


Hope this helps for anyone keen to use their FlySky T6 for simulator practice. And if you do go down the ClearViewRC line there are about 30-40 different kinds of planes and helicopters to fly with which are also a lot of fun! Chinook flight practice anyone? :o)

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