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Google+ dominates poll despite stacked deck!

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Originally shared by Mike Elgan


Google+ dominates poll despite stacked deck!


Lifehacker is running a poll, asking "What’s Your Social Network of Choice?"


But they give Facebook and Twitter an unfair advantage: At the bottom are "Like" buttons for Facebook and Twitter. They're giving a tool to virally promote the poll on two of the social networks, but not the others. As a result, Facebook and Twitter have WAY more votes than Linkedin, Pinterest, MySpace and Instagram.


But Google+ is dominating the poll anyway, with (at the time I write this) twice as many votes as Facebook.


That's not enough.


Since Lifehacker decided to favor Facebook and Twitter, let's send them some Google+ love in the form of MASSIVE votes for Google+:


1. Share this post with all your circles.


2. Go here and vote for your social network of choice:




(Props to Jeff Schultz)

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