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Facebook Home: an in-depth preview on the HTC First

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It's okay when Google creates a new mobile OS so they can better serve ads, but if Facebook add ads to their own app that's somehow scandalous.


Also, if you want a free service, but will be served ads, does that mean you're not in your right mind. I better find me a new search engine :)

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I was only messing about, and in general I agree with you. 


However, we are getting into semantics here a little bit. One of the methods to monitor the usefulness of smartphones is by the number of apps they have. A lot of apps have ads including Facebook. You don't unlock your phone and just look at it, you launch an app which may have ads. An OS not having ads is not that useful if every app you use does have ads. Even the core functions that would not have ads (e.g. phonecalls) are being used less and less frequently.


Facebook have been a wee bit cheeky here. They have shown us all the good things about FBHome, but didn't show us the ads. How disruptive and obtrusive will they be? If every time you unlock your phone you have an ad, then you're absolutely right, FB Home will be uninstalled very quickly. More to your point, Facebook really need to be more forthcoming with this information. If you install the app, then you can expect ads as part of your decision. However, if you by a phone with it already installed, I doubt the retailer is going to warn you that ads will be present - which is wrong.

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