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Searching for 8 port Gb POE Switch but finding most of them are 4 poe and 4 Gb only

G+_Rud Dog

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Searching for 8 port Gb POE Switch but finding most of them are 4 poe and 4 Gb only. Don't want to buy a really expensive switch just one with more then 5 and less then 9 ports. 

Secondly can I connect from a existing Gb switch to the new Gb POE switch and does that mean I lose one port for the connection.

Lastly, is there a standard for the voltage provided  by these POE switches, meaning will all devices have the same voltage requirements. 

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Thank you Jason Lewitinn that is exactly what I was looking for now to pair some cameras with this wonderful switch. Any suggestions, looking for outdoor camera with a stem concealing the wiring and mounting bracket for attaching under the shaded area of the house. 

Also let me know when you connect your POE switch from the router or another switch that indeed you lose one POE port or maybe the MFG placed a port on the back for this purpose giving you a true 8 Port POE device.

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