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What are your top iPad games?

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Ticket to ride is definitely one of the best iOS games, any device. Tiny Wings, Fruit Ninja (iPad specifically cause of multiplayer), Plants vs. Zombies, Asphalt 6, Flight HD, Bastion (is that on iPad?). I still can't do first person shooters nor many joystick simulated games, but these are some pretty good ones. =) And I totally put another vote in for the no Android switching. I have a Nexus 7, quad core and all that. I'd still rather play games on my wife's iPad mini because it STILL renders the game better. Even my 4S can beat out the Nexus which is really sad. 


Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about Android gaming, but they need to do it right. None of this laggy, slow to load experience anymore stuff.

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Ticket to ride is definitely one of the best iOS games, any device. Tiny Wings, Fruit Ninja (iPad specifically cause of multiplayer), Plants vs. Zombies, Asphalt 6, Flight HD, Bastion (is that on iPad?). I still can't do first person shooters nor many joystick simulated games, but these are some pretty good ones. =) And I totally put another vote in for the no Android switching. I have a Nexus 7, quad core and all that. I'd still rather play games on my wife's iPad mini because it STILL renders the game better. Even my 4S can beat out the Nexus which is really sad. 


Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about Android gaming, but they need to do it right. None of this laggy, slow to load experience anymore stuff.

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