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So, perhaps, the really clever part of the new Fire Phone from Amazon USA is how the four little ...

G+_Harry Chaffee

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So, perhaps, the really clever part of the new Fire Phone from Amazon USA is how the four little image sensors tracking your head and face will offer advertisers more accurate information about where, on the screen, you are looking.


The Nielson/Norman group  [ http://www.nngroup.com/ ]  of Web Design consultants have often used eye-tracking systems to determine where people's eyes travel when presented with a particular web page design concept.  They test people for where they look first and how long they linger on any part of a page.


This information is very useful for design purposes and helps N/N Group sell their services.  But one of the things I would love to know if I was an advertising giant (not just a giant who wants to be well known) is whether anyone ever looks across the site where I've bought placement and lets their eyes take in my little animated advert.  If the API for these little face sensing corners allowed Amazon to gather the response of people to a page (or an in-app advert) then they could adjust the rate accordingly.

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