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So after to listening to today 's show "What will it be FCC " (and all the past ones)

G+_A.J. Bobo

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So after to listening to today's show "What will it be FCC" (and all the past ones).

I'm starting to feel like Mike is very opinionated to the point where he is almost trying to force that on the listeners and guests.  I understand he always preempts it with something like "In my opinion" and feels like he is trying to educate us on this matter, but I thought the new show format was to "report the news" and let the people who wrote it discuss it and let us decide.  Not try and force his opinion of the matter at us and his guests as it feels he is doing with the FCC stuff (to me anyway)


P.S. Mike you really got to stop using the phrases "Hmm that's Interesting"  and "We will keep and eye on that" so much all the time.  The first one makes you sound like your just giving lip service and not really paying attention to the person who is talking.  And I would hope if its an interesting topic the second one goes without needing to say it.

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