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we have got to give TNT time to find it 's personality

G+_Todd Cooper

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we have got to give TNT time to find it's personality. In my opinion they are way  understaffed for a daily news show,  I like mike  I think he would be better behind the camera as a executive producer.  That is just my first thought, my second thought is give the show more time to mature it can only go one way or the other feedback and support should help along the way

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I know it was just beta but I thought it was awful. I'm a everyday die hard listener but Mike makes me feel like I'm being lectured by my dad. He has such a boring monotone voice. Thank goodness for Sarah Lane

Change is hard and scary. I'll give them a shot but Tom Merritt and iyaz akhtar are very much missed already. ?

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Come on people! This was the very first show after the reboot, and the departure of Tom and Iyaz.


I will give you that Mike seemed uncomfortable in his delivery. However, it's probably because he was reading copy, rather than just commenting, which is what he normally does as a guest on TWiT and the like. Give him some time, and his delivery can only improve.


It sure did look lonely with only Mike and Sara sitting around the small table, compared to the larger one they used to have. I did notice that Jason was listed in the opening part. However, I can't honestly say I remember him taking part in any of the conversations. 


I have to wonder why they changed the names of some of the things? For instance, "News Fuse" is now called something like "Today's News." (Doing that from memory). 


Additionally, it sounds like he wants to keep it as close to 30 minutes as possible, while the previous cast used to run 45+ minutes regularly. Perhaps the new Tech News Tonight program, which starts next week, according to the posted schedule, is going to make up for the shortened AM show. Personally, I'd rather they'd flesh out the one program before adding a new one. But, we'll see how things go.

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I'm conscious that TNT is in "beta" right now, and Mike Elgan may grow into a great on-air personality - but by calling this TNT, TWiT is inviting comparisons to the previous format of the show. Currently, it doesn't stand up to the mature, respected format of the previous eps- obviously, it cant (yet!)


The TNT brand has considerable clout, and I feel like this bait-and-switch approach is really just sucking out the oxygen out of the room for this new, tentative and untested format. Mike's a great guy, but his inexperience as a news anchor is of course going to be obvious given the experience and talent of his predecessor. I'm sure Mike'll find his groove, but again, the TNT moniker is going to make that job a lot harder for him.


So why use the TNT brand at all? Why not let Mike do create something new that he can own?


The answer, obviously, is ratings. Fair enough, but they didn't give the old show a proper send off. They didn't attempt to establish a sense of continuity or of handing-over to the new show (I understand that Tom Merritt proposed that idea). They seemed to presume that I will follow the new show BECAUSE TWIT. I feel like they're counting on my continued viewership instead of earning it. 

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The tension between Mike and Sarah is palpable. It appears that she is disheartened by the change, but will attempt to be professional about making it work. That said, the teleprompter seems like a horrible thing for Mike. It couldn't have been more obvious that he was reading. He just comes across very stilted at this point.


For me, the appeal of TNT was getting a take on the news from people I can relate to. So far, it's hard to relate to Mike.?

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I'm sure all those who complain were stellar and perfect on their first day on the job. Hold your horses. You even have patience when Microsoft and Apple come out with something that needs tweeking. So ... Mike Elgan deserves his Honeymoon.


Tom Merit did TV his whole life.

Tom Merit is a hard act to follow.

Tom Merit has gone to pursue his own path.

The past doesn't come back, get over it.

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Leo and Mike asked for feedback regarding the show, good and bad, so here you go.  What made TNT work was the relaxed and fun format, and the banter between the cohosts and guests.  Each person knew the topics that were discussed.  I not only received the top news highlights each day, but also learned how it impacts me through the discussions.  Tom was great about breaking the topic down and explaining real world examples.  What I saw in the new show was a very tentative host providing the topic, and Sarah stepping in with the color commentary. What turns most people off from "regular" news anchors is their stiff delivery and scripted comments.  Mike didn't really seem to know the topics that well.


I have watched TNT from the beginning, and will give Mike his chance to relax into his role.  However, if this is Mike's show now, he should get away from the scripted comments, and actually lead the discussions about the topics.  If people are bored with the hosts or the show, they will go away.  I'm not sure what demographic Leo is attempting to pull into this new format, but right now, the show feels awkward.

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That fast paced banter is something you cultivate and it is slow growing.  That kind of chemistry develops over hundreds of episodes, when the people involved know each other inside out, and can instinctively predict the reactions in the other. It also helps to have more that two players involved... preferably four or five.


Mike Elgan's strengths are also different from Tom's. Tom is a TV guy that likes tech. Mike is a Tech journalist that has strategic insight. Mike is Mike, not Tom 2.0


Also, Sarah Lane needs to support and coach Mike. Actively show him the way and guide him.  Mike is her new partner. That's the reality.

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Sarah Lane has a great interest in making this work. Mike, after he sets up the TWiT news department, will probably take a more managerial oriented role within the company. So what Sara does will come even more to the front. She can teach Mike the TV business, and Mike can open very important doors (and backdoors) for Sarah in the Tech world.

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George Kozi You seem to be ignoring the fact that many of us are not resisting change, just critical of the way this particular change has been managed. If you refer to my original post, you'll see that I agree with everything you have said about Mike needing time to find his place. That fact really only strengthens my argument that branding this experiment "TNT V2.0" is really just hamstringing Mike by drawing a line between the two products, when really they should be trying to start something new. I'd certainly feel a lot better knowing that TWiT weren't just pulling a "New Coke" on us.


TNT grew an engaged and committed audience over teh years, and the way it's been swiftly dismantled and then replaced with something not nearly as complete as the original product has understandably left a lot of people feeling disenfranchised. Be nice to see TWiT take ownership of that. I don't think we're wrong to call it like we see it. 

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What Tim Moule said.


I'm not going to dive into the politics of TWIT and it's Mike's show to shape how he wants and he's absolutely entitled to that. But that said, viewers don't have to hang around for it if they're not enjoying the first few programs (and, to be fair, we haven't even hit that mark as of yet). 


That was always the risk and, as Tim said, you're going to have to earn that viewership.

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I "tune" in on my commute from a downloaded podcast mainly. If I need more I will pop a  tab open and stream live during the day. I would say the content literally and how it is delivered audibly makes or breaks the majority of your quality. That being said I also listen for lengths at a time because I want in depth and personal coverage, and not tidbit headlines repeated to me that I can skim in 1-2 minutes from my feeds. I want to hear about the things I missed that I will search for as well as in depth details that I did not uncover before. The format does not work for me. My first reaction was this guy is depressed or uninterested in the topics. I started to drown him out if it wasn't for Sarah. I am trying to keep my comments constructive and this is only my opinion. I too would rather see a younger influence but more importantly just anyone who is entertaining and well informed.

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I would agree that at the current moment, given the current TnT setup, I think Mike would work better behind the scenes.  This could of course change as the show matures and Mike get's the Live presentation style down.  


A good stop-gap measure could be to let Sarah Lane be the front face of TnT with Mike running a lot of the behind the scenes and supplemental commentary.  It is nice to see Sarah step up and IMHO almost single-handedly carry the show in terms of energy and engagement.

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