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Curiously regressive decision for a technology network #BigMistake

G+_Gabe Reed

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(To protect the names of the people involved, I am being vague)


I have always enjoyed TNT and I realize the show is more than just one individual.


However, I share in your sentiment that a Techology Network  is not renewing a contract based on the need of that individual to be 'on site' is a little ridiculous.


To me, I am further confused by the fact that another member of the TNT crew uses 'Telepresence' 2~3 times a week, yet does not seem to share the same fate as the person who's contract has been terminated.  


Please do not think I feel that this person who uses telepresence 2~3 times a week should be let go. or is in anyway less qualified than the individual who was let go.

However, if feel because one person has now been has let go, and  yet the other remains, it makes think there is a double standard.  Or at least raise questions as to whether or not "the distance" was really the underling factor in the termination of the contract.  


I do look forward to what the new host will bring to the table, and I hope the dynamic of TNT isn't changed.  However, like the both of you, I feel this move is a #bigmistake  

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