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Should have posted this in the TWiT Security Now community So instead just posting this link to it:

G+_Tom T Walker

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I'm sorry but a mere 8-10 years ago and these same pundits would have been flooding the tech-media with scathing rebukes of the NSA and things like this. The political climate changed, which I believe has tempered this some, but also we've come a long way technologically. As such, companies like Google, MS, and yes Apple have allowed us to feast on the crack of industry. Now we're even more emotionally attached to our gadgets so we WANT to give these companies and even the gov't a pass. It's frightening, frankly, because while the NSA is not "mining data in order to falsely convict U.S. citizens of crimes they didn't commit" other gov't entities are inhibiting things like free speech, freedom of the press, and religious freedom. The NSA isn't immune to this. In fact, it's subject to what ever administration is in power. It's not likely a question of "if" but "when." As for Google, I'm often surprised how they're let off the hook. They sell your information. It's their business model. And if you think they're not pushing the envelope on how far they can go you're naive. They're not exactly Facebook but they're not exactly far from it. This notion that we're holding back innovation etc. by being vigilant is dangerous because it's asking people to essentially not rock the boat and be complacent. And this from tech journalists who are supposed to expose dangers and give us critical perspective. They're proving to be a lot like the White House Press Corps. As long as they like what they see, they're going to run cover for them. I have't listened to this episode yet, fwiw. But I'll say this...it's a security podcasts job to pull the covers back on security issues not tuck the entities in and tell us not to speak to loudly and wake them up!

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