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Passing thought: When setting up an account for something, we often have to set up control questi...

G+_George Kozi

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Originally shared by George Kozi


Passing thought: When setting up an account for something, we often have to set up control questions... you know, the ridiculous stuff they think it will be easy for us to remember, and for them to verify that it is truly us.


So here's the thing: Why not use another strong, randomly generated password as a answer to the control questions? 


Who says it has to be plain text?Let them try to guess the answer to the control question, if the answer is something like UVLYImVAGPgKPKaYo1fzMSbFCgMCK9Xvx4g6

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I usually answer with something that is the same for all the questions. For example if they asked:

Q1: Mother's maiden name?

A1: dumbshit

Q2: First automobile?

A2: dumbshit

Q3: Favorite Movie?

A3: dumbshit


Then store that word in Keepass, Lastpass, etc.


as Stephen Anderson said above, don't ever answer with something someone could look up or social engineer out of your family or friends...

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