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A Christmas Message From Edward Snowden

G+_Anibal Perez

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Alex Garcia "Why is it when the U.S. spies on others there is a huge problem."

It's not "others" it's us. And it happens to be unconstitutional. So if you have a serious problem with the Constitution then I could see you're point.

Here's another problem. Is it worth it to me to save another 911? No. Basic police work would have tipped us off to 911. We lost ~3000 people on 911. I'm sorry but that's simply not worth throwing away our civil liberties when you  compare that to the hundreds of thousands we've lost trying to defend those liberties.

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Alex Garcia It doesn't matter if it effects me. It's wrong. The current administration has already used the IRS to target political enemies. With a trove of information  like the NSA has what's to stop another, or this one, from mining it for similar purposes? For all we know they are now. There's a reason this is unconstitutional. There are many other ways to stop someone making bombs. And what if they don't? Again, 2-3000 people are not worth the liberty of a nation.

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The NSA spying goes on worldwide -- here in AU we are part of the 5 eyes (together with Canada, NZ, UK and of course the US).  I don't agree with this arrangement, but I can't stop it myself.


We have rights too, it isn't just the US that has a constitution.  To make it worse, the US often dictates trade /agreements/ that other countries are unable to fight or get a fair deal.  When you think of SOPA, PIPA and all those other nasty acts .... don't forget that the US tries to trample non-US rights as part of their trade agreements.  Your freedom and liberty in the US is heavily compromised, ours is even more compromised.


It's not okay for NSA to spy on US nor is it okay for them to spy on other countries' people, particularly when there are alliances.


I am outside the US, and without the US constitution protecting me, but why is it okay for the NSA to trample my rights?  Too often I hear from US people that it's okay to spy on overseas people, but not okay to spy on US people .... that's just double standards.  This has got to stop, everywhere, not just for US citizens, but for everybody in the world.

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Mr Snowden started off as a noble figure. He definitely put himself in the crosshairs to reveal information that the public needed to be made aware of. However, what has happened since has put him in a negative light. He is using a trove of government secrets as a bargaining chip to stay alive, and he's been desperately trying to gain asylum in countries that don't see eye to eye with ours, and who could use him and his information to their advantage.


I know it is a bit judgmental to ask a man to become a martyr, but Mr Snowden did put himself in that position on his own, supposedly due to his convictions. However, his actions since have been purely about self-preservation. And unfortunately, the way he has gone about it has created a great risk for our country. To think otherwise would be incredibly naive.


Was Snowden a hero? Yes, to some degree. Initially. Is he a traitor? That's probably taking it a bit too far, but he does currently pose a great risk to the US because of who he has chosen to ally himself with. I don't know how he didn't see this endgame coming, but there is one undeniable truth- he put himself in this position.

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James Rogers He did what he felt had to be done; it was a conscious decision to right a bunch of wrongs.  Even when he was on the job, he was known to quote the constitution and support his fellow workers.  All in all, from what I've seen and heard, ES is an exceptional human being with a strong will to do what is right for the people vs the state (in this case particularly NSA over reach).  He values privacy as we all should and was in a privileged position to truly see what the NSA was up to .... he didn't like it and he managed to blow the whistle.  I'm sure he would say that he didn't really have a choice, he was [and clearly still is] compelled for the greater good.  We need many more Edward Snowden's.

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