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Ok AAA community i will be purchasing a new phone either moto x or the HTC one

G+_Forrest Boothe

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Well + john mink I like samsung devices. I am on my gn now and have used some other sams but I wanted to experience something new something different. but something new needs to be much better than my gn as far as camera, speed, and reception. I am very happy with my gn except the cam. but i want a new experience. I hear and read very good things about the moto x and the htc one. I hear and read very little about the lg g2. I will try to evaluate the lg g2 also. I don't want to be disappointed with my next phone and end up back on the gn again. 

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I haven't heard much great about the G2, I was really trying to find why you decided on those two specific phones, but hey it does have some image stabilization which might help with picture/video quality.


There's a few good camera comparisons online, so you can see how the different pictures compare. Unless that really sways you, it sounds like you're looking for a different experience & Moto X is easily the more unique experience from what I've seen. ?

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Zoe's and highlights were the deciding factor for me. Low light performance is a plus too. Carrier Unlocked HTC One does LTE on both AT&T and T-Mobile. It's on 4.3 android now and it's got the higher resolution screen.


I waited months for the motox to be revealed before I bought my One. Ordered it the day of the announcement. I also came from a Galaxy Nexus. LOVE the One.

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I'm actually in the same boat, looking to upgrade from a Galaxy S II. Between Moto X and HTC One, I'm leaning more towards HTC One for a few reasons, including: 16GB vs 32GB on HTC One, better media experience on the HTC One (with boom sound), better picture quality on HTC One (though I heard there was recently an update rolled out on the Moto X to improve its photo quality). But please do let us know what you decide and why.


I am going to wait until December to pull the trigger on my upgrade, just to see what else comes out by the Holidays. After that, I lose my $50 BestBuy discount.

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I have the G2. This phone is a beast! Display is beautiful, fantastic camera, the snapdragon 800 does not disappoint. This phone is fast! It's already got root and clean roms for AT&T and Verizon. You won't be disappointed. I debated myself between the g2 and the moto x. I do not regret my decision whatsoever.

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