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This concept of iOS 7 is pretty awesome or what do you think?

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Looks like they are taking a few things from Windows phone. IMO its the nicest interface out there, unfortunately people think apple is so cool they are OK with nearly 7 or 8 year old design. I would have stayed with Windows phone but because the lack of apps, I needed move me away. Nexus 4 is what I have now as its the only Android I like. The Samsung mods make the OS look like a toy.

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I have a few scottevest jackets with iPad pockets. So iPad is always with me and it has unlimited 4G. To sign documents on the go using Jot Touch pen, using Cad or project management programs on the field. IPad app has the nest user interfaces on any platform and retina makes it the more enjoyable. Basically neither my phone or laptop is my work horse now... For anything iPad does not have yet VPN to the office (mainly old IE6 custom software)

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Windows8 full pc in tablet form. I just need to run pc games something no other tab can do.(that I am aware of at the moment) I do not do anything else important but that just me. Been playing with winmo phone 8 which I like but I agree with the lack of apps. Never had to much of an issue with ios or android.

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