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Can anyone shed light on what this is? Popped up a few times, launching my browser, in the last f...

G+_Rud Dog

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Travis Hershberger Heard the story concerning Comcast's troubles and it was in the back of my mind when first experienced the network message but then realized, had experienced the connection problem before the story broke. Unless this has been going on far longer then stated.

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I've got a batch script that I use in place of ping, then just let it run in the background.



@echo off

set pingServer=%1

ping -t %pingServer%|cmd /q /v /c "(pause&pause)>>nul & for /l %%a in () do (set /p "data=" && echo(!time! !data!)&ping -n 2 %pingServer%>>nul"


Then just call it as "pinglog.bat"


Doesn't answer the problem of why it's down, but gives one more check on Internet stability.

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Are you on WiFi? You could be hopping networks. It happens a lot when people have home routers on default. My grandfather's is set to Linksys, unencrypted. I have a neighbor with the same. Sometimes my device will decide to hop over to the neighbor's and break and active session. I have to purge saves networks after visits. (My old phone was a pain, after once joining TWCWiFi, it would try to join anytime it saw it, even when riding down the road. And I couldn't make the blasted thing forget permanently)

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Rud Dog this will catch it even if only one minute. It pings every couple seconds. I've also just piped it to a Txt file so I can get a full day's log and review later. I'm working on a version that will log to an SQL DB.


Also, if it's intermittent like that it may be a noisy line. I was having an issue of my modem rebooting a few times a day because of too much noise on the line. Spectrum came out and replaced all the connections (crimped new ends, replaced splitters) and the problem mostly went away. Still some intermittent issues, but it hasn't rebooted for several weeks.

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