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Supreme Court May Soon Decide to Review Aereo Case Adweek

G+_Craig Sotelo

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Supreme Court May Soon Decide to Review Aereo Case | Adweek, ?



The Federal government required the cable companies, when they came into being, to provide over the air broadcasts for free. There's a reason for this, it protected the consumer. That's why Aereo should be allowed to protect the consumer and exist.


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Interesting battle. No one contests that the content is copyright protected. I think what is at issue is the public domain of transmission. Since the air waves belong to the people and is in the public domain, Areo would contend that they are in their rights to re-broadcast or "re-distribute". They are not profiting from the copyrighted content (they are not selling ads) as much as profiting from the "re-distribution". Frankly, the brands win with extra "eyeballs" for which they don't have to pay to the original broadcasters.   

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