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So based on the fact that Brian and Tom seem to be collecting e-mail addresses of "People who re...

G+_Eric Egolf

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Robert Marshall it has already been publically stated by Leo Laporte that Frame Rate (as we know it) will not continue into 2014. I believe it was a comment on another post in this community where Leo stated it wouldn't continue, but per Leo Tom declined to stay on (for just Frame Rate):


"(8:58:55 PM) JFree: Leo, What's going on with Frame Rate?

(8:59:00 PM) Leo: Tom declined to continue Frame Rate" - http://pastebin.com/ckGCZce5

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Robert Marshall "out of the loop" indeed!  :-)


 ... Tom's contract was not renewed to work with TWiT in 2014. When he moved to LA, Leo stated, then, that they would try the remote position out. It didn't fulfill TWiT's needs (full time host/manager/mentor in house) and they could not come to an agreement to renew the contract. I personally will miss Tom Merritt on TWiT but am more than willing to give change a chance. Mike Elgan is taking is role (management and host) starting January 2nd.


Let's not forget that Tom's move was predicated on his wife's position at YouTube; so this very well could have a lot to do with Tom standing by his wife's move/career. We will never know every nuance to this story, and that's fine. TWiT will continue to produce high quality 'netcasts'.

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