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Do any of you in the AAA community use "hands-free " apps for use when you 're driving?

G+_Stephen Styffe

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Do any of you in the AAA community use "hands-free" apps for use when you're driving? And if so, which one do you use? 


I'm looking for a good app to use so I can have text messages and notifications read out loud while I'm driving and be able to respond using voice commands. Preferably free but I'm willing to pay a few dollars for it. The only thing I won't do is download apps that require a subscription to use it. 


Any and all recommendations are welcome! 

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Google Glass is great for this.  But, you have to get it via eBay or Swappa, etc.  Granted, it's just a little more than "a few dollars".


Other than that, I don't know of any good ones.


That being said, a quick search led me to this:




And, this one looks like it might be the best:




Let me know what you think.

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