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Anyone know where to get a real help for Google Voice?

G+_Simon Holcroft

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Anyone know where to get a real help for Google Voice?  I have a number port request that has been frozen for over a week and there is no real way of getting any help or support, despite the fact that this is a paid service.  Any requests in the official help forums are ignored.  Even refund requests through Google Wallet support are ignored.  I'd prefer to have my port request reset, but failing that, I just want my money back.  Any suggestions are appreciated.

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Simon Holcroft 


As for your Google Voice (Gmail) issue, I remember my port took a while.  There was a Google Forum that a GV Team Member was watching that would expedite people's ports, but I'm not sure if that is still active or not.  Also, you can try to contact Katherine Gramann. She is the Google+ Gmail/Talk/Voice Community Director.


As for your Google Wallet issue, I suggest calling them and speaking with a representative directly.  You can find the number somewhere under the Help section at http://wallet.google.com/.


Good luck!

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