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I was really disappointed in this one. Instead of doing an original story, which would have been accepted given the alternate timeline schtick, we get a poor man's Wrath of Khan. Can't say I'm looking forward to what JJ Abrams does to Star Wars. If he screws it up this bad, he'll forever be known as Jar Jar Abrams.

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Gene is rolling over in his grave over these movies. They have the same names, but few of the same meanings. They are barely deeper than a cheap 80's sci-fi movie like The Ice Pirates. They make money, but they don't make people think. When Kirk woke up after being regenerated, I couldn't help saying "oh good, it's all a bad dream, like that season of Dallas!" That got quite a few laughs.

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James Parrotte I think is arrogant to assume Gene would hate them as we really didn't know him.


I watched a documentary produced by J.J. Abrams and hosted by Gene's son. Its called "Trek Nation". And its available on Crackle and Netflix.


It was educational to myself to learn what Star Trek is like for fans and non fans around the world.


It also was interesting to learn what Gene was like at home and on the set from family and coworkers.

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I occasionally listen to the podcast "Grizzly Bear Egg Cafe". They reviewed all the Star Trek movies last summer in their summer of Trek.


I was really surprised when the hosts reviewed "Into Darkness" and they both loved it. They put into words why I didn't like it. They described "Into Darkness" as less cerebral.


Sadly, that's what fans seem to want in a Star Trek film today. We are all entitled to our opinions. I didn't like "Into Darkness". However others did around the world. I don't care to argue with anyone who did like it and tell them their wrong.


It does alarm me that the guy who wrote the script for "Into Darkness". That guy will direct the Star Trek 3 reboot movie. I'm already expecting to not like that film either.?

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Jeremy Petzold Okay Jeremy. I understand your a fan of these alternate time line films. My biggest complaint with them, is the blending of Star Trek and Star Wars.


What I mean is more sci fantasy then science fiction. I honestly agreed with Chris Gore on his podcast "Podcrash". Where he said he felt he was watching a Star Wars film toward the end of "Into Darkness".


As much as I disliked it. I get confused why others say J.J. Abrams will ruin Star Wars like Star Trek. I honestly thought fans of Star Wars should feel confident your getting a good episode 7 based on what you see in "Into Darkness".


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