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Time Warner CEO open to bundling online HBO subscription with broadband plans

G+_Kevin Spitzer (JaguarXT

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Why? Why shouldn't you have to pay for content? I'm a film and news producer; what the hell makes people think that my work should be free? HBO and the other subscription channels charge a subscription instead of having commercials, and it's a model some prefer. They have the right to get paid so that they can pay those who work on content, like me. -Ara

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Ara Wagoner

; I have no objection to paying for commercial-free streaming services ala-carte... I object to services that show commercials AND want to charge in addition, OR require "membership" in some cable/sat monopoly that keeps raising prices for no increase in service "just because they can" and will NEVER buy their "product".... this is what this moron "doesn't get"

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